Monday, September 27, 2010


(5X grey tee, Grey Ant shades, black ban bracelets D.I.Y, vintage floral tie used as a belt)
What inspired me to get a shirt the size of whale was my time spent in Venice at school. All the "gangsters" tend to wear these oversized Pro Clubs. I can't even lie, I've had my share but never this big. I cut the sleeve off to give it more of an edge and wore this out to the Abbot Kinney festival in Venice. So appropriate, right? The sleeve I cut out has a huge hole so I can literally stick my whole hand in there with no strain, and better yet another whole body. This shirt is going to come in handy. You have no idea!

I came to realization that my most recent posts have been about school. Yes, it's going to be a stressful year with a load of schoolwork. I'm so ready though. Enrolling into schools and applying for jobs have been the story of my life lately. It's literally 100 degrees in LA and quite frankly I don't know what to do with my homework. My thought process isn't really accurate in heat apparently, and also trying to maintain eligible handwriting. FUCK MY LIFE

New technology. Not good at it.
Scowling Owls